Thursday, 28 February 2013

What is an opening sequence ?

An opening sequence t a film is to show the audience the producers, directors, actors, designers and other people involved in the film. to give people an insight of who helped made the film, it also gives people who where involved making the film recognition for there hard work. Opening sequences also give you a tatste of what the film is going to be like before it has started, they do this by the type of music they use and the actings behind the text like a little story behind the text. 

The order of the information that comes on an opening sequence is usually the company name that made the film e.g. Paramount Pictures. after that it will usually be the main actor or actors that are starring in the film, it is really important to actors that they are put at the start of an opening sequence, because it shows how important they are to the audience in the film and in general. The film title usually comes after the main actor, to relate the main actor with the film so you know that major actor is in the name of the film e.g. Daniel Craig .......... Skyfall. Several other actors that are involved in the film come shortly after the title of the film, depending of there significance in the film it will see where the the actors will be on the title sequence. after the actors the people are involved in the other parts of the films such as music, costumes, directors, producers, writer, editors, production designers, effects and casting come after the actors, but some of the more important parts of the film such as the director, or producers can be before some actors depending on how much they contributed to the film. 

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