Thursday, 28 March 2013

Film Title Ideas

These posted notes are the film ideas i have come up with. They all relate to the film in someway. 'The Agitator' i thought of calling my film The Agitator because it the same name as my main character and my film evolves around the main actor a lot, therefore calling the film the same as him would go quite well. Ex Vigilante was my next idea because the main character is a ex vigilante, it gives the audience an insight of what the film is about before it has begun and it also surprises the audience because if you think of an ex vigilante you think of a old man after war, so it keeps the audience guessing. Super Reality come to me because after i made my film structure i thought of the reality of life that the story is trying to get across to the audience so i thought it would be appropriate to relate the meaning of the story with the film title. So the message gets across twice, also gives the audience an idea of what the film is going to be like. Real Justice i thought was my best idea because the whole point of the film is getting justice for the main character but he is also doing it for the public as well, so justice is a massive part of the film, it also makes the audience think when they see the film title. They will be thinking why is it called real justice ? what sort of justice ? and why someone wants justice ? so they well want to go and watch the film to find out why justice is going to be served. 

1 comment:

  1. These more recent posts are really good Charlie. I'm impressed by the amount of work you have put into your blog recently. Keep it up.
