After going on a school trip to paris, on the 29th of march to the 1st of april. during that time the internation independent film festival was going on, And we was lucky enough to watch the films and talk to the directors of the films. The films were very inspring because they all had such a low budget and were at a very high standard. After watching and listening the films they have inspired me on the film i will be making. Because after watching the films, i looked at my plan and saw that my film looks to complicated to do on a low budget. So i am taking some of the parts out and making my film more simple, this will make my film have a better quality to it because i wont be punching above my own budget weight. By doing this is will help the audience understand what im trying to acheieve.
One indepedant film that inspired me the most was called ' Milkshake At Gina's ' It was fantastic for the audience to watch because it was a cunning film with an ending that no one would expect with the eliment of surprise brought to the film which is always a good thing for the audience. This is exactly what i want to acheieve to keep the audience guessing right until the very end so it keeps them interested throughout the film.
This picture was taken at the cinema in paris, this pictures where taken by phtotgraphers who where doing a project on the film festival and posted them on there twitter page so i got this picture from there twitter page. i choose this photo becuase i am in the back ground of the picture in the middle.Goign to paris for a school trip was hugely successful and benefitting because i learnt an awful lot about independent filming. i strongly recommend it for others.
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