Thursday, 25 April 2013

The Reasons Why I Thought Our Film Was Successful 

The main reason why i thionk our film was a successful is because the roles that we gave eachother to contribute to the film where perfect for the 4 of us to acheive. The jobs we gave to eachother where perfect for the each one of us to do well. We all stuck to our jobs and made sure our job got done first then asked eachother for help after to improve the idea or the task. As a team we work very well, we didnt take long to complete the task because we gave eachother the same amount of work to do so it was fairly shared out. We was clever and gave Specific jobs to eachother who was stronger in them areas, for example Harley got to act because he does drama as A-Level drama so he has experience in acting. Joe was incarge of filming because he has done filming outside of school before so he could perform this task slighty better than other people in the group. All together our group done really well to get our film finished and up to a really high standard.

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